Program Design Case Study: AMPK + Life Activities

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Achieving the Stimulus is Most Important

The goal of a workout, when you’re training for aesthetic or performance improvement, is not to complete an arbitrary set & rep protocol. It is to acheive a specific stimulus. In this video, Coach Kassem discusses the context of when to make adjustments and how you can easily know what to change to make sure you’re achieving the true goal of the workout.


0:45 Why loading predictability changes between stimuli or exercises

1:55 Ideal programming vs real life situations and adjustments

3:00 How understanding the stimulus makes it easier to quickly adapt your workouts appropriately

5:50 Don’t think specific set and rep protocols are magic

7:00 Certain training stimuli are more subject to variable changes than others

All Sets are Not Created Equal

Volume is a very misunderstood metric in the fitness industry. It cannot be accurately calculated by just multiplying sets, reps, and weight or just counting sets per mucsle group. Volume cannot even always be compared across different programs and has to be assessed specific to the stimulus. Here is an introduction to better understanding volume.


0:45 When to consider sets as counting towards the volume of the workout for a neurological goal

2:30 Volume approximation for a metabolic stimulus

5:30 How to progress in volume without adding sets or reps

6:00 Volume considerations when adding intensifiers

6:50 Why you cannot compare volume between different stimuli

8:00 Volume per stimulus depends on the individual’s trainability

10:20 What to focus on and what to avoid in an oxidative stimulus program