Why N1?
Our Goal: Knowledge & Application
Our goal is to give you the Knowledge and Application that empowers you to coach anyone as an N of 1. The integrity of not just the science, but the delivery of scientific and evidence based knowledge in a way that students and coaches can easily learn and apply. Where most systems and educators will leave gaps and confusion, we provide clarity and confidence.
High Level Education
Everyone deserves one
We believe everyone deserves a high level education, not just the people willing to spend countless time and money sifting through complicated information that is 90% incorrect anyway. In order to make the world a better place, you have to start by making educators better. We want every one of our trainers and coaches to not just be a teacher to their clients, but to an example of how the fitness industry should and can be.
The N1 Advantage
Above average protocols for the individual
No one is truly average, and neither should their training and nutrition be. The key to always making progress is to make sure you are doing the right things at the right time for the individual. There is a best training program, nutrition strategy, and supplement protocol. However what that is, is unique to each individual, and will change for them over time. We are often fooled into believing that there is a superior way or training, dieting, or supplement protocol that applies to everyone all the time. When you understand the science of assessing trainability and programing for an individual, it takes the guesswork out of what is the best program. That’s why even our new students out coach most “experts” in the industry

Knowledge that’s Instantly Applicable
Most trainers and coaches suffer through a boring education process, where information of little application is taught out of context. This makes the majority of incoming knowledge useless or forgotten. N1 teaches the science and principles that will impact your business and coaching in a context that makes it easy to apply right away
N1 Creates Educated Thinkers and Problem Solvers
You will gain the information that has been keeping you from clarity and understanding of many of courses and educational resources you have used in the past. You will learn when and how some of that information applies, and be able to challenge you internal beliefs and old habits, with a logical thought process that frees you from applying broad concepts that aren’t optimal for unique individuals

Enhanced Learning Platform
All online courses are delivered on our custom platform to maximize your retention and understanding of the information. Interactive transcripts allow for easy video navigation, searching, and note taking. Simplistic visuals ensure understanding of complex systems.
Beyond Evidence Based Content
Most systems claiming to be evidence based, don’t take into account the quality, context, or application of the information they are basing their claims on. The “peer review” process offers little to know quality control of research publications and claims. N1 uses a rigorous filtering process before incorporating any research or evidence based claims into our education and claims. At N1 we do not restrict our information to only that which the current research can illustrate when we have foundational science and clinical results that can be easily applied to improve your results.

Always Up to Date
Given that the fields of business, training and nutrition are rapidly evolving content is constantly updated and delivered to all active members. Get notified when we updated any course content or add new premium content to reflect the latest research and strategies in the industry.
Community Support
All of the students of N1 are invited to join the private social media community to share thoughts, ideas, content and also to engage with and meet other like minded and driven individuals.
All of the N1 educational content is available globally and is optimized across platforms. To fit with your busy lifestyle, content can be accessed via desktops, laptops, tablets and mobile devices so learning on the go is never a problem.
Study at Your Own Pace
There are no time restrictions on studying the N1 course or certification materials. You can study for as long as you wish and have this material for a reference or to use as a review later on. Included with your course or certification purchase is a 6 month membership to access the additional exclusive content on the site. After your complimentary membership expires, simply move to our monthly option to retain access to all new updates and content added to the site.
Online Exams
All of the N1 exams are done online with the exception of the practicals required to complete certain certifications. This allows us to deliver better education globally and removes the restrictions imposed by geographical restrictions for individual courses. Practicals are required for certain certifications to ensure quality control of knowledge and application in practice, to maintain a high standard of our graduates’ competency and skill.
Exclusive Student Library
The library is the home to all of the N1 content outside of the certified course material. In here we have further content spanning all of the N1 topics and more. Practical application videos, case studies, training theory, business education, and written content all exclusive to you as an N1 member.
Continued Education Courses
These courses are outside of any of the main certifications, but will serve as valuable assets to your knowledge base as you continue to develop to be an expert in your field. These are only available to those who have completed one of the certifications to ensure you have the prerequisite knowledge to successfully apply the advanced concepts you will learn. Hormones, gut health, and advanced programming are just a few of the topics that will be offered
Exclusive Membership Discounts
All N1 members receive exclusive discounts from our partners. Prime Fitness USA gym equipment