Topic Course: Biometric Coaching


  • Learn to Evaluate Biometric Data
  • Introduction to the 5 Primary Systems Used in Eastern Medicine
  • Learn Modern Functional Medicine Approaches
  • Herbal, Dietary, & Lifestyle Intervention Strategies
  • Online Only

    Topic Course: Biometric Coaching 2.0 $1,250.00 Enroll

From the Instructor


Been wanting to use more eastern medicine concepts but not sure if it’s bull$h!t or how to do it?

Finally a course that demystifies eastern medicine and puts it in the hands of coaches developed by someone with a background in both.

In this unique series Dr. Dusten Nelson explains the foundational biology of the 5 primary systems used in eastern medicine and how we as coaches can use signs & symptoms and biometric data to evaluate and intervene using modern techniques from functional medicine & traditional Chinese medicine including: herbs, diet, lifestyles and DIY acupuncture with Moxa to optimize the health and fitness of our clients.

Course Outline:

Module 1: Introduction

Module 2: Metabolic
- Energy Systems to Consider
- Energy Creation
- Assessments
- Interventions

Immune System
- Immune Function: Eastern & Western Perspectives
- Assessments
- Interventions

Systemic Stimulus
- Liver & Detoxification
- Phase 1 Intermediary Breakdown
- Phase 2 Conjugation
- Phase 3 Transportation
- Assessments
- Interventions

Module 3: Hypertrophy
Oxidative Stress
- Systems to Consider
- Blood Sugar and Glucose Transport
- Assessments
- Interventions

Mechanical Damage
- Systems to Consider
- Assessments
- Interventions

Module 4: Neurological
- Nervous Systems (Western)
- Nervous Systems (Eastern)
- Sleep (Western)
- Sleep (Eastern)
- Interventions

Module 5: Putting It All Together
- Signs & Symptoms
- Tongue Assessment Patterns
- Herbal & Supplemental Interventions

Flexible Study

Study at your own pace

Globally Available

Online access wherever you have internet

Personal Support

Private community for continued learning and support

Course Modules


# units

Intro & Energy Creation








Putting It All Together
